Tuesday 15 October 2024

Microsoft does databases

I'm no db wizard, I'm not even an amateur. I try to stay away from databases when possible, probably due to the fact that a few databases I had to work with were strangely designed by random people, were used by non-documented software with some home-brew ORM, depended on sqlexpress. And - I'm reminded about my stupidity all the time - they were too big.

Now I've some job to do including old Access stuff, mdb is the file extension. Luckily, my Office is the 2010, and it allows for data export to the express thing. 

But, meanwhile I changed my hostname from some stupid Lenovo (or Windoze) original like "DESKTOP-LVKIRTO" to just localhost which sounds more familiar. (I can guess what "LV" stands for, it's harder for that "KIRTO" part).

The major cockup* was already on its way: the users allowed the server and databases access (no association with the MsOffice product intended) had the hostname glued to them. Now I'm LOCALHOST\user and the database owner is DESKTOP-LVKIRTO\user. No access, MSSM exceptions giving some hope with "wait for recovery" that never happens... Shit, I can't even delete a database as an admin...

Oh, I just have to reinstall the whole rubbish. 3 gigs, it's cheap. And reboot the machine of course. Alle the time the shittiest of all, 98, under the hood of 10. Love to hate it.

* taken of course from the fine English tv farse, "Allo-allo". "Oh, what an ingenous plan, Herr Flick!" "Ez ahlveyz!"

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