Thursday 22 August 2024

I love blazor debugging!

- chrome doesn't let me close its window/tab until I check some of "settings/got it/select default search engine" stuff or asks multiple times if it's supposed to be my default browser. I expect their next step would be to start killing my terminal when I'm finished typing "killall -9 chr..."

- debugging/attaching blazor app just doesn't seem to work and the number of changes blazor developers have made since around 3 years ago makes it next to impossible to get it right.

- the stubborn and/or braindead vscode knows better if some chrome zombie process is still running. And doesn't let me quit the attached debugger (which doesn't hit "unbound" breakpoints). When I try quitting the normal debugging session, something goes wrong and I'm asked to open launch.json regardless of the fact it's been open for hours.

- chrome is launched, stays there for a few seconds and dies.

In other words, it's a fucking mess, offering almost as much fun as good old Windoze 98.

But blazor is worth it, the code looks nice and clean. Unlike js. Or perhaps it's safer not to debug the code at all. Just say "it's only a gooey, who cares about bugs?"

And my whipping boy python is becoming worse. Forcing virtual environments instead of library installations, sometimes introducing changes that would make some older libraries (a few years older than py-3.12) fail.

Progress is such a nice thing, I love it.

Now, back to kindergarten. Webdev is nothing I care much about. Just wanted to learn something new. Or get rid of native win-WTF stuff.

Shit. This works out of the box in dotnet-6. And launches firefox. Man... (or woman!)

Oh wait, it works with .net-8 and c#-dev-kit + chrome. Once. Later it always complains about some apparently running browser; so perhaps there are some locks or so. No firefox allowed for whatever reason. It takes forever to load a "project", both something I developed a year ago (console app, less than 10k lines) and even a fresh .net "Hello World" web-app. Here, forever is almost 2.5 minutes on an i5-1035G1 with 16 Gb of RAM and a decent ssd hard drive. Discovering tests (surprise: for an "empty" web app there are none) and one project; for fuck's sake! Maybe it's not faster to write some ls, grep, cut and sed combo, but I don't think it would have taken more than half a second to execute it in a directory with maybe dozens of files!

Perhaps I just have to create another account and have two separate worlds and sets of "extensions". Oh no, omnisharp doesn't even seem to work with .net-6 now. 

Why? Why ...

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